I think that people today forget what a big deal Planet of the Apes was back in the 1970's. No less than five theatrical movies, a TV series and an animated series. Nothing else was that big until Star Wars a few years later. I have many fond memories of playing Planet of the Apes as a kid with my friends.

Then recently I found Apes Victorious by Goblinoid Games, the makers of Labyrinth Lord, Mutant Future and Starships & Spacemen 2e. This one was just what I was looking for, being being an Old School game primarily influenced by the 60's and 70's franchise. Being cross-compatible with Starships & Spacemen and Mutant Future is certainly a plus as well.
Around the same time I found this, I also got a copy of the Mythic GM Emulator from World Mill. Mythic, and some other GM emulators have been around for a while now, but I had been skeptical of what they could do so I hadn't tried them. But after reading it and seeing a few examples of it in action via YouTube I decided it was worth a try.
So now I have a plan. More a test of Mythic than anything else, I plan to run a solo sandbox adventure using Apes Victorious. The only prep will be creating a single Human Astronaut (Colonel Steven Landecker) and placing him in his crashed spaceship, in the center of a blank hexmap. The hex he begins in will be a coastal one, half land and half water, but beyond that everything else begins unknown.
Colonel Landecker's mission will be not only to survive, but to try to find out where he is and how to get home... Or if he even CAN get home,
Stay tuned. It's sure to be "a madhouse! A MADHOUSE!"
Sounds very exciting. You might want to have a look at my posts from earlier in the year in the G+ community when I ran a con game of AV and concealed it's true nature from the players untik the big reveal
ReplyDeleteIndeed. I will check it out!